Bowful of Sparkles!!!
It's one of those things that just fills me deep within, when there are no words left to express the feeling.... I dance.
Sometimes it's not something that choreographed and sometimes it is but one of my favorite types of dancing is liturgical dance.
One of my other favorite things I love is giving my God the praise. So if I could bring my love of dance and my love for the Lord together it's a good day for me!!
There are a lot of dances that I love but one of my favorite is Shekinah Glory Your Name and Psalm 27 followed closely by Richard Smallwood Anthem of Praise. They are both incredibly long but fun!!
I like to search on youtube and I found this other group doing a dance to Your Name and Psalm 27... so here it is and I think they did a good job
Good Hair
I know I am probably the last person to talk about this in the blogosphere..
But what exactly is good hair?
Before we even talk about this I just wish people would educate themselves before they start talking...
Did you know that relaxers contain many caustic materials?
Did you know that most black people have curly hair?
Did you know that to care for natural hair you cannot use the same products used for natural hair?
There are so many more questions I just want people to know the facts before another person tells me that my "wig" looks pretty. News flash!!!
The hair you see on my head actually grows from my scalp...but you would know that if you knew about natural hair at all.
Nappy or pretty.. I think my hair is fly!!!
Who wants to be right as rain...

Finish the lyrics and you get..
Brownie points!!!
Haha I'm struggling to even pay myself.
So question of the day
Why doesn't the Adventist church have a college scholarship fund for students (yes ones who go to Adventist institutions and ones who do not) so that they do not have to stress out when ever semester starts?????
Do you know?
No? I dont either....
All the Girls Standing in the Line for the Bathroom
copy the link into the search bar and watch the magic happen
Just take a look and fall into the beauty that it is
I'm a Talkative Person Just Not a Phone Person
Last night I went to a concert at New Life (yeah that's my home church) featuring JJ and Youthful Praise... and let me tell you it was amazing. Yes the music was loud as is typical New Life fashion and the praise team was alright but when it was JJ's turn he took it to a whole other level.
Still recovering from all the fun I had so I'll catch you on the flip side and I'm back to my regular update..
80's Glam Makeup
You unravel the hose, you turn on the water, and a stream of it shoots out from the spout giving new life the all the thirsty plants. All the while you are watching this, thinking "Man this is a really relaxing household chore"
Then your mind attacks!!!
It wanders and starts to think about things you have not authorized it to think about but you cannot seem to stop, you are no longer in control. The steady stream or water coupled with the weight of the hose in your hand seems to make you very venerable.
Then as soon as it starts.... it's over, and you come crashing down to the reality that is your life.
This may sound a little trippy....but honestly it's me. Has this happened to anyone else or is it just me? It may be a "me" thing but I admit it was fun while it lasted
Im Outie!
Giddy Text Messages
On another note I think I want to start back blogging about my hair among other things.
Till later
Natural Bouffants and Evian Water Bottles
I rediscovered a pack of purple dye in my room and decided to turn one of my beloved white v-necks into an ombre pattern, and now that it is in the stage of drying it looks FABOOSH!!!!!!
The second thing I did today is play around in my hair.... I did lots of styles
1. combed out killer afro
2. all the hair swept to the side
3. other stuff
Now im painting my nails and getting ready for the Sabbath!
Up and Down Stairs

So I was trying to be an intellectual today by taking a trip the library to increase to my capacity for learning but as usual people get never failed to piss me off.....
While driving in the narrow congested streets of Old Towne Frederick two people just seem to go out of their to make me upset! It's like what Dane Cook says " When you get in an accident the person who hits you always acts like it's your fault you hit them!! (Sidenote: You should google him cause he is funny!!)
I mean I didn't get into any accidents but they were close. I just want Americans to chill the BLEEP out and drive calmly and safely...LIKE ME!! (Ok maybe that was a bit conceited...but I do believe I'm pretty safe on the road....sometimes to safe...that a story for another day)
Well anyway this post is done until 2morrow
Squirrels in the tree...

Well I'm back!!!
It's been forever, I know, but I want to make this promise to myself that I would post everyday even when I have nothing profound to say....
So it's July 7th, 22 days until my birthday...
Thing is I'm not that excited as I thought I would be.
I just keep thinking about all the important looming events that I need to catch up Cause thing is I have been "ignoring" the important aspects of my life all summer.
So as summer continues it's time for some major time management!!
5 Questions
Why are there raccoons in College Park?
Seriously…….. why is it like two degrees outside?
Why does the weekend fly past?
Why do people think that they can get away with saying dumb things about you when you are standing right in front of them?
And why don't we all have superpowers?
Granted the last one is a little weird but it is a perfectly normal question if you are a Heroes fiend fan like me….
Frankie J.
Soon you would understand the title of this post. You know what time it is time to BS have some fun!!!
How to play this one put your Ipod on shuffle, then answer the questions and what ever song it lands on is your answer to the question.
Here we go:
If someone says "Is this okay" you say?
Total Praise by Richard Smallwood (If you know me you know what my favorite response is)
What best describe your personality?
Beauty and the Beast (hehe)
What you like best in a guy?
Serious/ Legally Blonde
How do you feel today?
Be good to you by Vivian Green
What is your life's purpose?
Spice up your life by Spice Girls (perfect!!!)
What is your motto?
Woman by Raheem Devaughn (Love this song listen to it sometime)
What friends think of you?
Dreamgirls/ Motion Picture Soundtrack (????)
What do you think about often?
El Shaddai by Bebe Winans (True that)
What do you think of a significant other?
Love by Musiq Souldchild
What is your life story?
Fake your way to the top/ Dreamgirls (aw boo not true)
First dance at your wedding?
Fever by Beyonce Knowles
What makes you laugh?
No more rain in this cloud by Angie Stone
What would you post this as?
More than Words by Frankie J.
This is what you waited for....
"Im comfortable with a murderer..."
"All cuticuled up"
"spank the cuvette"
"A chapter a day keeps the F's away"
"Once you pop the fun don't stop"
"Nature polka dots are bubbles!!"
'Artic touch!"
"A tribe called Q.U.E.S.T..... Quentin Uniqua Estha Stella Tyron"
"Do the Barack....not the Mcain"
"Everything is history and relationship are moments"
"I'm big on second chances....actually im big on 3rd and 4th chances too.."
This last one is one of my favorites for right now
"No matter how invested you are in your view of the universe you have to be prepared to change it"
Something Borrowed..
But I got this game from one of my frequent visits to Bourgie Adventures who admits she got it from a few other things. The name of the game is:
100 Things
but i got lazy and shortened it to
50 Things!!!
to play just bold what you have done...
1. Started your own blog.
2. Slept under the stars.
3. Played in a band
4. Visited Hawaii.
5. Watched a meteor shower.
6. Given more than you can afford to charity.
7. Been to Disneyland.
8. Climbed a mountain. (but I will soon… ok maybe not)
9. Held a praying mantis.
10. Sang a solo.
11. Bungee jumped.
12. Visited Paris.
13. Watched a lightning storm at sea.
14. Taught yourself an art from scratch.
15. Adopted a child.
16. Had food poisoning.
17. Walked to the top of the Statue of Liberty.
18. Grown your own vegetables.
19. Seen the Mona Lisa in France.
20. Slept on an overnight train.
21. Had a pillow fight.
22. Hitch hiked.
23. Taken a sick day when you’re not sick.
24. Built a snow fort.
25. Held a lamb.26. Gone skinny dipping (No but i want too!!)
27. Run a marathon.
28. Ridden in a gondola in Venice.
29. Seen a total eclipse.
30. Watched a sunrise or sunset.
31. Hit a home run.
32. Been on a cruise.
33. Seen Niagra Falls in person.
34. Visited the birthplace of your ancestors.
35. Seen an Amish Community
36. Taught yourself a new language.
37. Had enough money to truly be satisfied.(Haha... that's a good one)
38. Seen the leaning tower of Pisa in person.
39. Gone rock climbing.
40. Seen Michelangelo’s David.
41. Sang karaoke.
42. Seen Old Faithful geyser erupt.
43. Bought a stranger a meal at a restaurant.
44. Visited Africa.
45. Walked on a beach by moonlight.
46. Been transported in an ambulance
.47. Had your portrait painted. (Of course I take my picture all the time!)
48. Gone deep sea fishing.
49. Seen the Sistine Chapel in person.
50. Been to the top of the Eiffel Tower in Paris.
Ice Skating....

On the sidewalks, down the stairs, up the hills down the hills and around the flippin corner!!!!!
I admit it was fun for some of the time but then you walk to fast and you almost bust your a**.... hehe i mean butt and your body checks itsself and you try to act cool like no one saw....but you know everyone did. What can I saw a fact of life gotta embarrass your self sometimes....